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Lealynn Newcastle is missing, within a locked asylum for the mentally ill.

The other teenager patients are rattled by the news and with no guidance from staff, they are left to wonder what happened. Stranger still, are the horrifying nightmares of a lighthouse they all seem to be having. Its deafening foghorn calls out to them, begging them to enter. What’s more, is the sickening sounds of chanting deep within the drainpipes of the building.

With the staff not helping the teens and with no way of escaping, they find themselves in the presence of Luna, a woman clad in white that hides her face behind a golden, horned mask who wants to help them end their suffering. With the kids having nowhere else to turn, they are guided by this motherly and enchanting figure as she brings them closer to their salvation.

But is she a guardian angel or the devil in disguise? And what wicked plans are in store for them if they choose to ignore the lighthouses sinister calling?

Keepers of the Lighthouse

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